
Tuesday 26 November 2019

Combustion Experiment

What did I need, Candle, Red food coloring, Water, a plate and a beaker.

What was the experiment about and what was I trying to do or find out, The experiment I did was to test combustion with a candle and water I was testing how combustion works and what it does.

What happened during the experiment, When I did the experiment we lit the candle on a plate filled with water and then put a beaker over the candle with the beaker over it went out and the water started to rise up into the beaker.

Why did it do this, This happened because it was a complete combustion when the candle (fuel) was put into the water with the beaker on it it reacted with the oxygen and used it all up this meant that there was no oxygen and the water and because of this the candle went out because it could not burn and the water also started to rise up because of the oxygen getting sucked up.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Character strengths

Judgment, Judgment was shown in Zootopia in many scenes and was done by many characters in the movie when the characters judged and stereotyped each other.

I saw different perspectives in Tarzan when Kerchak did not understand him and kicked him out of the group for not understanding. I think it is important to understand different perspectives because if you don't you don't get to understand people and then you might get confused or angry because you did not listen to the whole story.

I saw perseverance in Tarzan when he chose to impress the other gorillas, even though they told him no.
I think it is important to show perseverance because even if something is hard or someone says don't do it you should still do it if it is the right thing to do.

I think teamwork is shown in Zootopia because Nick and Judy are always helping each other solve problems and work things out they are always working together even if something bad happens. I think that Teamwork is good because if you try to do something by yourself it is harder and when you have a Team it is easier it is also nicer to have somebody to work with.

Hope is shown in Avatar the Last Airbender by Katara because when people give up or her friends stop she always gets them back together and encourages them with hope so they can battle again and not give up. I think hope is important so if someone gives up on something you can help them get back on their feet and keep trying.

Humor is shown in most of the Avatar the Last Airbender episodes because Sokka is always joking around and being funny to try and make his friends laugh when they're angry or sad however his jokes sometimes lead to fights. I think humor is important because life would be very boring without it and it is good to make your friends laugh.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Year 10 Pepeha

Ko Mount Ruapehu Toku Maunga ( this is my mountain)

Ko Pacific ocean Toku Maunga (this is my ocean)

Ko Waimakariri Toku Awa (this is my river)

Ko Plane toku waka (this is my canoe or ship) Don't know exactly what plane it was

Ko Canterbury Toku rohe (this is my region)

Ko Helen and Jack Toku iwi (this is my greater tribe)

Ko Sam and Beth Toku hapu (this is my local tribal group)

Ko Levi Gardner toku Ingoa (this is my name)

Tuesday 22 October 2019

My story

Darkness, fear, nothing remains of the shattered world apart from the piles of rubble where buildings and houses used to be nobody is in sight im the only survivor but not for long, soon the radiation will cover the area around me and seep through my body and in the state im in knowing I don't have time to get out i'm trapped in this destroyed world and no one else can save me.

It's been a few hours know and I can feel the radiation going thru my body in a short time I'll be paralized and completely unable to move just as I think it's over I see something moving ahead of me I'm in shock and have nothing to defend myself with so I just lay there and hope that it's a person, it is he helps me get up and out of the ruble and tells me he knows somewhere safe to go however the radiation is killing me fast and I have to move quickly because he has nothing to cure my sickness, at this point I'm certain that there is no way out for both of us he keeps insisting that I go with him but I can't face the dangers because of my sickness however he does convince me after a while and we finally leave.

After walking for a while we both enter a forest area most of it is gone however some animals might still remain there to stranger hands me a rifle and tells me to look out because the radiation might make them more aggresive or mutated as we enter the forest we find a hut looking thing and we go there hoping theres someone inside however no one is there we go in to

wait and suddenly somthing flies past we look where it hit and are shocked to see a bullet hole straight thru it the stranger says its the bombers, I can already tell that the milatary was here searching for survivers we instantly get our rifles out run and hope we aren’t going to be gunned down by some crazy man with a machine gun after awhile we escape and me and the stranger stop to talk to each other he takes off his helmet and to my suprise it’s a girl at about the same age as me (14) she says here name is tess and that she was sent to find survivers and help them get to her crews base then im met with another person tod, tod was older but not very smart I could tell that something bad was going to happen with hime around so I left straight away however it was much harder now because the raidiation was entering my body but I can continue a bit longer after awhile tod starts talking and talking and wont shut up then we see a carrier helicopter fly over us and soon a bunch of solders jump out we manage to fight the off because todd somehow got better weapons from his base we fight most of them and then I go up the hill to find the commander and then I hear a screem both tess and todd are captured I go to...

Monday 21 October 2019

Volcanic research

Name of volcano, Mt Fuji, it is actually made of two volcanoes called young Fuji and old Fuji however they are joined together and have formed one volcano

Location of volcano, Japan

How long ago did it last erupt, 1707

What type of eruption happened, Subplinian and Plinian eruptions these eruptions violently spit out lots of lava and can last anywhere from minutes to hours.

What happened when it erupted, an earthquake happened near mount fuji and this caused the magma to mix 49 days later the volcano erupted and lasted till the start of 1708 however the eruption itself did not do that much damage and the volcano itself didn't change much and is the same today.
1. How do stories help explain religions.
The stories help explain by giving out information and facts about religion.

2. What is something similar that culters believed about there gods or god.
They both pray to there gods and believe that they created the earth.

3. What things made it harder for culters to understand each other and their religions.
Couler of skin.
Language barrier.
Brittians were more advanced.
Maori believed in the god of war.
They both believed in completely different gods.

Friday 27 September 2019

Wind racers

What did I do to creat my wind racer, To create my wind racer my group got one of the body's for the car after that we put a cardboard panel on the back of it and put some more cardboard on the sides after that we covered the most of the body in masking tape in a curved way so it goes faster after that the car was ready to race. When I was actually building the car my group and I did small things like cutting out the cardboard and putting small bits of masking tape on it but Robbie did most of it. How successful was my racer, My group's racer was the most successful one not only was it the fastest it also went the furthest as well and was about 3 meters ahead of the other cars overall it was quite good and I think it was interesting seeing the other cars race and building my one.

I did not really research designs for my car and just followed the way my group was going with it.

The car design is made to go through the wind faster it does this because the front of it is a large curved cluster of masking tape it also goes fast because of a large cardboard panel at the back of it.

Building the car was not very hard my group and I had to cut out one large piece of cardboard to smaller strips of cardboard and then after that we covered the car in masking tape and put it on in a curved shape with a flat front.

Testing, My group did not test the car before the race.

Redesign, For the redesign we drew racing strips on it and put some more tape on the back part of the caron the sides and thats all we did to redesign it after that we still didn't test it.

Why did I design my car like this, Because Robbie choose to do this and I couldn't change what we were doing, and all of the ideas where from Robbie because I couldn't put in mine

Thursday 26 September 2019

My gymnastics blog

What sequence or routine was shown in my video, In my video I did all of the things that were on the sheets starting at number 1 to 3 and moved to the different stations.

Why did I choose this sequence, I choose to do this sequence because I wanted to start off at the easier things and then go to the harder things and I rotated to different stations to try out different things.

Do I think I have improved in this sequence, Yes I think I have improved on this sequence because I did a lot better than last year and last time I tried it.

How did I improve, I improved by trying harder and not being afraid like last year because last year I did not get that many things done but this year I have gotten a lot better and tried harder to do it and it has helped.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

social study's expedition

What was the expedition about, The expedition was about Egyptian and roman history we learned about this in class and then we presented in an expedition where the other classes and teachers could see our work.

What was my presentation about, for my presentation me and Tamati made a fish on the wall that was made of shredded paper and was sposed to look like a Roman mosaic and even though it was not as good as I thought it still worked.

here is a video of the expedition,

What classes were involved, the two classes that were involved were 10BU and 10HH

Monday 9 September 2019

Presentations reflection

1. What was my presentation about, My presentation is about Avatar The Last Airbender and in it, I explain the episode the great divide what I actually explain is the problems in the episodes and how you would deal with them I will also just talk about the episode in general.

2. Which part am I most proud of, The part that I am most proud of in my presentation is just the writing and the speech itself and I think I did good doing it.

3. what were the challenges, I think the biggest challenge I had to face was when it was time to present because I don't like presenting that much I kind of freaked out and did not want to do it.

4. What could I do better next time, I think next time I could do better by trying to overcome my fears more and not being afraid when doing my presentation.

Friday 6 September 2019

how hydraulics work

What are hydraulics, hydraulics are a system that uses pressurized liquid to power things such as engines the hydraulics put pressure on a small amount of liquid  to generate lots of power, they where made in late in the1700,s by joseph Bramah he used to work on practical things by following pascals law and eventually after practicing and trying to make hydraulics he succeed.

How do they work, lots of people know where to find hydraulics (eg) cars and trucks but lots of people don't actually know how they work and what they do to power the engines. heres how it works there are four main parts of the machine the first part of it is The Reservoir this is where the liquid is held it also transfers heat to the rest of the machine and helps remove air and moisture made by the liquid.

the second part of the machine is The Pump it moves mechanical energy into the machine it does this by moving the liquid from The Reviser although most of the pumps mainly do the same thing some of them are a different type such as piston pumps and gear pumps.

The third part of the machine is the
valves they start and stop the machine and areas where the liquid moves and thats about all they do.

And the final part of the machine is The Actuators this part of the machine is very interesting it takes the hydraulic energy and transforms it back into mechanical energy for use again there are also different types of actuators that are used for specific things anyways that is how hydraulics work and what they are used for.

Thursday 5 September 2019

marbles science investigation

What happens when we slowly put marbles into the second cup when the first cup had ten in it

well at first it did nothing however when the second cup had seven marbles in it somehow balanced the two cups and then when we did it again both cups where balanced with 4 marbles in each

 I know why the second one worked it worked because there where the same amount of marbles in each so it balanced it out.

however, the first time I do not know how it worked some marbles must of weight more than the others so it was balanced 

Friday 30 August 2019

my mural art work

What am I doing for this I am making a mural with a group that might be getting put in my school.

my job is Couler consultant and the chief painter

Natasha's job is director

Joey's job is Story manager

and Arnolds job is assistant manger

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Ancient Egyptian Inventions

here are some inventions and other things that we use lots that were created by the Egyptians.

1. Writing, ancient Egyptians write things in a very different way to us however we still use this all the time.

2. Papyrus sheets, this was the closest material to paper at the time other countries did not have it and instead used stone clay and other things.

3. Black ink, Ink is used all the time in things such as printers or pens but did you know they were made in ancient Egypt.

4. The ox-draw Plough,  The ancient Egyptians where the first people to invent plowing to plough their farms.

5. The sickle, They also invented the sickle for farming to help them.

6. Irrigation, they may not have invented irrigators however they used canals to take water from the flooding Nile river to their farms.

7. They invented the calendar to tell when things were such as festivals.

8. they also invented clocks so they knew what time it was.

9. they even invented police to help look after and protect them when all of the other countries did not know every country has police.

10. They invented surgical inventions to help injured people and help fix their wounds.

11. They even invented wigs and cosmetic makeup.

12. We all know this one the Egyptians invented mummification for when people died there.

13. This might surprise you but did you know that they invented toothpaste.

They also invented many other thongs that we use today.

Thursday 8 August 2019

My art blog

here is the art I have created so far.

A creator that creates art like this is,

This is my stencil

Thursday 25 July 2019

My Boomarang blog

What I have learned about boomerangs

Artwork, The artwork on boomerangs can mean a lot of things one of these things is the gods that the aboriginals believed in and they painted them in forms such as animals trees and plants they did this because they believed that the god where inside of the things they painted on the boomerangs.

What where they used for, Boomerangs were used for a variety of things such as games and competitions they were even used for hunting they were later used for even more things when the Europeans arrived because they started changing the shapes of them and making them out of different materials.

Different shapes and materials they where made of, when the Europeans arrived in Australia they started making different types of them with new materials and new shape sometimes these new materials would make them lighter while others made the boomerangs heavier they also made them and new shapes which helped return better and go further, boomerangs where also made in different sizes some where small for games while some large ones where made for hunting.

how they helped aboriginals, boomerangs helped the aboriginals in many different ways including hunting and games and sport even battle clubs and fire starters and musical instruments there were also many more things that boomerangs were used for.

Monday 22 July 2019

boomarang work

the simbols that are on my boomarang are

people sitting

Tuesday 25 June 2019

children of the blood and bone essay

Is it okay to be slaughtered because of what race you are? Children of the blood and bone by tomi adeyemi an important idea is that no one should be killed no matter what race or culture they this idea is shown in a lot of scenes where maji are killed by the king's guards or by the king it is also shown when zuliak’s village and illorine is burnt to the ground by inan and the king's army. 

Chapter 1 Zelie: Explain 1 challenging setting in this text.

One challenging setting in this text is when Zelie hears the language Yoruba and said I took me a moment to even remember what it means. King saran hates the maji because a group of them killed his family ever since then he has been torturing the magi making them slaves making them have to pay very high rent and even made their language illegal and does not care about the maji at all making their life much harder. We can tell this because at the start of the story Zelie is shocked to hear it and the Mama Agba explains to the rest of the children that it is illegal. This is just like black history in real life because when the europeans found them they treated them badly and stole their language in some places of the world. Comments, we should not treat other races badly because they look different we should not steal from them take away their language and their homes because at the end of the day they are humans just like us and should be treated equally and fairly.

Chapter 3 Amari: Explain a challenging setting in this text

A challenging setting in this text is that Amaris and Inan are forced and trained to kill maji even though not all of them are bad. Because King saran hates the Maji he is training his children to fight them and kill them however they are not all bad and only a group of them broke into the palace and murdered his family even though some are bad, not all of them are and it is wrong that he is forcing his children to fight innocent people just because their father hates the maji. We can tell this is true because Amari explains that she and Inan where trained at a very young age to fight the Maji and we can tell that her father hates them the whole way throughout the story because the king is always talking about hating them. This is just like in some real countries where parents sell or make their children work for money leaving the children in a very bad position. Comments it is bad to make people train for attacks and tell them that people are bad even though some are not bad.

Chapter 66 Inan: Explain a challenging setting in this text

A challenging setting in this text is that Inan can't do anything to stop his father from torturing maji and Zelie. Because Inan is scared of his father and because of that he cannot help his friends when they are being tortured. We can tell this is true in a lot of parts around the end of the story when he becomes friends with the maji and helps them however when his father is there he acts scared and can't do anything about it. This is like in real life when parents make their kids do naughty things and they feel like they have to do it.

 I got confused on the last paragraph

Thursday 20 June 2019

Corrosion Experement

What am I investigating: I am investigating what corrodes an iron Nail faster and what corrodes it better with the following things Nail Polish in water, Calcium chloride in Water, Magnesium in Water, Vegetable Oil and also Salt Water. What do I think will happen to the Nails I think that the salt water will make it corrode fast because in past experience salt water makes it corrode quite fast unless it is a metal that cannot be corroded and rusted by it and to be honest I don't know much about the other materials because I don't know what happens when metal comes in contact with them but I do think that the Calcium chloride will corrode it fast because it is bubbling lots with the nail in it so I think it might dissolve fast maybe even faster than the salt. What is corrosion, corrosion is when a metal comes in contact with elements like salt water but most of these things that corrode metals if not all are not powders or solids but most liquid, for example, salt can not corrode metal however salt water can, Calcium chloride cant corrode metal but it can if you add water to it to make a liquid.
the one that corroded the nail the most was the nail polish and the one that prevented it the most was the oil.

Image result for corrosionImage result for corrosion

Thursday 13 June 2019

metals science work

1. Gold, Gold is a very valuable metal and is very hard to get or find there is not much of it, Gold is mainly used for jewelry and things like that to have gold you usually need a lot of money for a decent amount, it is also a very soft metal can can also not be corroded.

2. Gallium, gallium is a metal that has a very low melting temperature and melts at only 30 degrees and also if you hold it in your hands it melts due to your body heat and if you leave it in a room for a long time it also melts meaning you can mold it into shapes as a liquid and then freeze it till its a solid it also sinks when you put it in water like liquid and it is very bad at conducting electricity.

3. copper, copper is a very conductive metal and is usually used to make wires and is used for lots of other conducting things that need electricity including wires and other things similar it is also malleable and not only does it conduct electricity but heat as well.

Tama Tu

1. How does the crow help the mood in the film? danger.

2. What does the ammo exchange help show? that they care about each other.

3. What does the handheld camera shot help show? It makes you feel like you are with them in a way.

4. What does the black cat symbolize? death.

5. How do the filters help show meaning? darkness, time, bleakness, sadness, death, The filters changed from normal colure to black and white after the German soldier was killed.

6. what does the use of the shadow help show? the shadow helps show darkness and that is is going into the night also the sense of death.

7. What film shots are used to bookend the film? birds eye view.

8. What and how do the film aspects help with the suspense with the shooting of the German soldier? it felt like one of the people in the Maori group was going to shoot the German soldier and built up the suspense when he had his hand on the trigger of the gun. 

reggae music work

here is a link to my slide show,

What did I dod for my Reggae performance, I played three little birds on piano.
What I think I should change about my performance, I would add the verse part of the song and do it with both hands.
what did I like about it, I liked playing the piano and just like the instrument as it is I think it was fun and enjoyed playing it in the performance.

Friday 31 May 2019

acid rain blog

1. What is acid rain: Acid rain is rain containing acid in it so when it falls from the sky it causes lots of problems.

2. Diagram showing acid rain: At the bottom of the screen.                                       

3. Causes of acid rain: Acid rain is created when greenhouse gases are produced when produced by factories and pollution it goes into the atmosphere and into the water in the clouds when in the water it becomes acidic and when it falls from the sky it is acidic.

4. Effects of acid rain: Acid rain can cause multiple problems such as corroding things making them break it can also kill plants destroy wildlife and pollute rivers and lakes.

5. What can be done about it how can we stop it from happening: First of all we could try to find ways to create products without producing greenhouse gasses if not we could try reducing it we should also stop polluting the environment and try to pick up rubbish and other things polluting the environment.
Image result for acid rain diagram

Friday 24 May 2019

year 10 DTE Sphero work

What have I learned so far about Sphero's and coding in the robotics section of DTE So far in this topic I have learned about basic coding and done some basic activities like learning how to move it around and coding basic like that then after that I made some basic games like the toss game and the hot potato game I also did some coding on my Chromebook on coding websites to code things in the digital world unlike the Sphero's in the real world I also was going to make my own Sphero game from what I had learned from the other Sphero and coding things however I was not here for some of the days I was making the game so I did not do the coding for the game however I made a plan for my game on google docks here is the link for it MySpherogameplan I also did some other stuff with the Sphero like just rolling it around with the controller I also used the draw option and moved it by drawing lines and making the Sphero follow them and I also did some other coding stuff with other things aswell.

How did I creat my game? The first thing I did to create my game was to watch the video of how to make the toss game when I had created that it was time for me to put my things in it the timer and the colure challenge I did not code it and because of that I do not really know exactly what I would have done to code my game but I might of added some new variables for the timer and would have had to go to the lights and sounds area to get some light blocks to change its color however I would of had to get some other things to make it know what the colures mean and add new variables and a new timer so it does not stay one color otherwise the game would not work and be ruined after I had done that I would have to find a way to put the two things I have just made together and also find a way to make the two things go with the rest of the coding I had used to make the toss game after I do that the game would be ready to play and completly finished.

Image result for Sphero edu app imageImage result for SpheroImage result for Sphero