
Friday 6 September 2019

how hydraulics work

What are hydraulics, hydraulics are a system that uses pressurized liquid to power things such as engines the hydraulics put pressure on a small amount of liquid  to generate lots of power, they where made in late in the1700,s by joseph Bramah he used to work on practical things by following pascals law and eventually after practicing and trying to make hydraulics he succeed.

How do they work, lots of people know where to find hydraulics (eg) cars and trucks but lots of people don't actually know how they work and what they do to power the engines. heres how it works there are four main parts of the machine the first part of it is The Reservoir this is where the liquid is held it also transfers heat to the rest of the machine and helps remove air and moisture made by the liquid.

the second part of the machine is The Pump it moves mechanical energy into the machine it does this by moving the liquid from The Reviser although most of the pumps mainly do the same thing some of them are a different type such as piston pumps and gear pumps.

The third part of the machine is the
valves they start and stop the machine and areas where the liquid moves and thats about all they do.

And the final part of the machine is The Actuators this part of the machine is very interesting it takes the hydraulic energy and transforms it back into mechanical energy for use again there are also different types of actuators that are used for specific things anyways that is how hydraulics work and what they are used for.

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