
Tuesday 25 June 2019

children of the blood and bone essay

Is it okay to be slaughtered because of what race you are? Children of the blood and bone by tomi adeyemi an important idea is that no one should be killed no matter what race or culture they this idea is shown in a lot of scenes where maji are killed by the king's guards or by the king it is also shown when zuliak’s village and illorine is burnt to the ground by inan and the king's army. 

Chapter 1 Zelie: Explain 1 challenging setting in this text.

One challenging setting in this text is when Zelie hears the language Yoruba and said I took me a moment to even remember what it means. King saran hates the maji because a group of them killed his family ever since then he has been torturing the magi making them slaves making them have to pay very high rent and even made their language illegal and does not care about the maji at all making their life much harder. We can tell this because at the start of the story Zelie is shocked to hear it and the Mama Agba explains to the rest of the children that it is illegal. This is just like black history in real life because when the europeans found them they treated them badly and stole their language in some places of the world. Comments, we should not treat other races badly because they look different we should not steal from them take away their language and their homes because at the end of the day they are humans just like us and should be treated equally and fairly.

Chapter 3 Amari: Explain a challenging setting in this text

A challenging setting in this text is that Amaris and Inan are forced and trained to kill maji even though not all of them are bad. Because King saran hates the Maji he is training his children to fight them and kill them however they are not all bad and only a group of them broke into the palace and murdered his family even though some are bad, not all of them are and it is wrong that he is forcing his children to fight innocent people just because their father hates the maji. We can tell this is true because Amari explains that she and Inan where trained at a very young age to fight the Maji and we can tell that her father hates them the whole way throughout the story because the king is always talking about hating them. This is just like in some real countries where parents sell or make their children work for money leaving the children in a very bad position. Comments it is bad to make people train for attacks and tell them that people are bad even though some are not bad.

Chapter 66 Inan: Explain a challenging setting in this text

A challenging setting in this text is that Inan can't do anything to stop his father from torturing maji and Zelie. Because Inan is scared of his father and because of that he cannot help his friends when they are being tortured. We can tell this is true in a lot of parts around the end of the story when he becomes friends with the maji and helps them however when his father is there he acts scared and can't do anything about it. This is like in real life when parents make their kids do naughty things and they feel like they have to do it.

 I got confused on the last paragraph


  1. I like the effort you have put into this essay, well done Mr Gardner.
    P.S I have read every sentence

  2. Great work, Levi!
    You have put a lot of thought into what's happening in these scenes and how they relate to the real world. "We can tell this is true" was a useful sentence starter.


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