
Thursday 13 June 2019

Tama Tu

1. How does the crow help the mood in the film? danger.

2. What does the ammo exchange help show? that they care about each other.

3. What does the handheld camera shot help show? It makes you feel like you are with them in a way.

4. What does the black cat symbolize? death.

5. How do the filters help show meaning? darkness, time, bleakness, sadness, death, The filters changed from normal colure to black and white after the German soldier was killed.

6. what does the use of the shadow help show? the shadow helps show darkness and that is is going into the night also the sense of death.

7. What film shots are used to bookend the film? birds eye view.

8. What and how do the film aspects help with the suspense with the shooting of the German soldier? it felt like one of the people in the Maori group was going to shoot the German soldier and built up the suspense when he had his hand on the trigger of the gun. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Levi, I like how you have answered the questions with some thought, But, you could work on your punctuation.
    Good Work


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