
Friday 7 December 2018

creative writing

The day the world ended started with an applause

It felt like a normal day everything seems fine but the the ground shake the valves got bigger and headed to land fast and the sky was covered in ash but why well this is why. Well you already know it started of normal but well not later on in the morning I went to rush into the lounge to look at the tv their where know warnings or anything but their was new that a newly discovered volcano was found it was active and could end the world but even though it was active it couldn't go of here's why. At the lab where they were getting ready to send drones into it the said it can't blow up well one of them did no one else believed him when he said it there's a planet with a special forcefull power and the volcano has a chunk of this rock keeping the lava from escaping everyone laugh well he evacuated to try find somewhere to hide he said if the rock glows that means the planet is getting closer so be careful everyone laughed. All the lead scientist and everyone around the world was cheering after this so called meteorite was found me too before I realized it was a piece of planet coming closer apparently the rock could cure any diseases and reform amazing everyone said but no it wasn't very amazing. Now I live near the beach in a tall apartment alone I could see the waves and would know if there was a disaster coming suddenly the tv shut down I didn't think much and just had something to eat suddenly i heard a rumble I got scared thinking the volcano went off but no it was a very huge bulldozer that knocked down the powerline I was relieved but then the strangest thing happened an emergency broadcast came onto the tv and said the was a strange interference near and island near the volcano I got scared and ran out screaming saying it was going to blow no one believes me until the ground starts shaking the waves grew and moved fast to land and a giant cloud of ash approached, now you know what happened but know it got even worse. I got in my car and quickly drove to a hill to stay safe but the earthquake was to big and I couldn't climb and the ash would kill me a went past it to get away quickly but got hit by a giant rock and past out I woke up and the ash was their but nothing else I could hear someone shout out hey it missed us it was the scientist the earth was saved and the volcano wastent enough to end but that's not the end. The planet hit the very edge of the earth and it split they ground started to collapse this is the end I said but the scientist lead me to a bunker to stay safe but the heat sartes to rise and it wa sto hot where getting closer to the sun the scientist said the worlds moving where all dead unless he had an idea everyone on the earth had 48 hours to get to the volcano here's why. We all got gas mask and left to go their we all have to keep the rock safe find the rest of it so it can reform we all went to grab pieces but some so small as it got hotter and hotter some people gave up and passed out it the heat but the rock was complete when the rock was rebuilt the earth reconnected the broken buildings were repaired and earth was saved but it started freezing and things where growing ice crystals all over them we tried to power the rock but nothing worked every one froze and I was the last left shivering I touched the stone and said please save us suddenly a bright light came towards me later on I woke up in my apartment everything was normal was it just a dream no it wasn't to rock disappeared using its energy to help earth so did the planet every one was outside saying heroe heroe I saved to world so did the end start with applies or the end of the end but one things sure never interfere with things from space they could do bad things also I think its weird weird that asked for a rock to help it just makes no sense but at least the world is save

Tuesday 27 November 2018

creative writing 2

How does land form?   

everyone knows what a tectonic plate is and why they cause earthquakes but that's not all they can also push up mountains or other things to create mountains and even push upland that is how the southern alps were created when the alpine fault went off the mountains or big rocks rose from out of the ground destroying precious land before it but that's not all the ways it can happen land can happen from other things two. Sometimes there may be just mountains but wind and water after a long time flatten the land making plains and smooth parts of land. But that's still not all to form a canyon a river has to go through a mountain this can take thousands to millions of years to happen some are even prehistoric but still not all. Some land from under the sea and it's not always flat underwater mountains and trenches can form underwater to weird right. Another quick fact about the plates.volcanoes can also make land by erupting and changing terrain

And if you're wondering how a beach formed its because when water crushes rocks into sand it gets washed onto land and forms a beach.Plates can also rise up continents or countries and they can sink land to and wreck it as well as making it the also split land making it spread to other spots to .and last some parts of land and mountains look of that is because a volcano has erupted causing hot lava to run down hills forming odd shapes odd looking rocks are just pushed out of the ground                                                      

Thursday 22 November 2018

passion project

what has my group done today we have glued our volcano together and now we are ready to paint it afters it dries
I was not here on Monday but my freind built the volcano

did I acheive yes it is done but it wont let me insert photos

Monday 29 October 2018

food blog

what are two types\ simple and complex
what are 5 sources\ simpleR/lollies fruit/complexR/ wheat/ oat/ sugar
what is their function to give us energy to keep us going and active

Image result for carbohydrate foods
Image result for carbohydrate foods
Image result for carbohydrate foodsImage result for carbohydrate foods

our pita pocket was full of carbohydrates because it had bread and vegies both of them had lots of carbs in them and it was also complex not simple so it lasted for a long time to

Thursday 6 September 2018

my music proggres

                                   my music progress

so far at music I have filmed at Couplands finished doing my blogs and prezzies and I have been trying to find instruments to help make the jingle catchy the rest of my class has done other things and filmed at the mall and couplands far my group has tryed making beats with bottles drums and piano and (shakers) I forgot what they are caled and they are not maracas! these where made of metal we are also using a giant drum I also forgot the name of but it is good and would be good in the jingle just like the empty bottles we are using to make a beat all of the things we have choose suit with our jingle really well and I think they would be good in the ad I have done all my blogs and other work and I am now up to this I will also update this blog when I have done more work we have choosen a beat and everyone is working on it with diffrent instruments also I am getting on with mork work well and havent bee geeting annoyed by luke and my instruments are the small shaker things whatever they are called and have been using a tiny drum to bang with to.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

amazing maths

hi it is Levi from hornby high school and I'm writing about my challenge that I just  did here is what I did

I was trying to find away for farmers to find moister and puddle sin their paddocks and build shelters to stop cows getting infected heres a link to my slides.
I found out a solution and did my objective and designed a cow house

What I have learnt I learnt that cows can get infected hoof and that their are lots of simple ways to stop it
What did I like and dislike I liked the challenge it was fun making designs and doing it I didn't like how it took me a long time to think of and idea
Feedback I don't have any Feedback for this
sources and websites I used I used goggle wikipedia and tinker cad to do it
question do you think it was a good choice and do you think my ideas are good

Monday 27 August 2018

safe temprature

Image result for food temperature thermometer

it is important to keep your food at the right temp if its in the right temp bacteria will infect and spread all over your food keep it cold when its cold they sleep or freeze keep it hot to keep it hot to burn the bacteria and kill them of they double every 20 minutes that's allot if their is lots you will get very sick

Thursday 23 August 2018

maori tools levi

what site did I use to get this info
what did I wright about I writ facts about Maori gardening tools on a document that is at the bottom it has pictures two it just talks about the tools and they are used for.       Maori tools

Ko: the ko was a tool for loosening soil it came in lots of different shapes and sizes and it was made from lots of different woods it is on of the most well known agricultural tools.
Timo: timo where made from a forked brances with a flated blade some where strait and some wernt they where also used for loosning soil but the ko was for harder soils.
Kaheru: kaheru where made in sevral difrent forms they where made of wood and looked like a spade there are trhee tyeps of it they had short blades and long blades Kāheru were used not for heavy work such as breaking up soil or heavy digging but for lighter cultivation work such as loosening soil weeding.

Image result for kaheru toolsImage result for Ko toolImage result for timo tool

Monday 20 August 2018

Matariki experence

the experience for the video felt weird I never make videos of myself and I felt nervous two It was an odd experience but it was fun two I think I will feel weird watching the video and kind of want to make one again. before I made the video I planed what I was going to do before I did it and when I did it I knew what to do it took Luke and Nathan a bit longer but I helped them plane it and now we have finished

I wonder 7

                                                             I wonder

The Half dome is a granite dome at the eastern end of Yosemite Vally in Yosemite natnal park in California it is a well known rock at the park at the park their are lots of dome sbut the half dome is the most recanilisable one

Monday 13 August 2018

the grand canyon
the grand canyon is steep sided canyon carved by the colarado river in arazona
it is aound 6000 meters deep
american ideans lived around the canyon for years
it became a natnialmpark in 1919
the rock found at the botom of the grand canyon is 200  million years old the top is 220 milion yes old


1 what do bacteria do to survive on our food
the right temp if the bacteria get cold they freeze or sleep in the hot they boil and burn to death. but if they are in the right heat they will survive and more bacteria will be on your food. every 20 minutes they will multiply and spreed to get them away keep your food under 4 or over 60.bacteria like condensation so they can get the nutrients from it
2 what 2 ways can we stop bacteria. keeping things at the right temp so they don't spreed and take over
or covering food tight so bacteria cant get in their to infect keeping them at the right heat will also stop them from growing
3 it is when the bacteria spreads to other foods and contaminates everything
4 the thermometer my blog lags and wouldn't let me type when I put the thermometer on their but I still got the temps
-18 freezer temp
-0 freezing point
2-4 fridge temp
4 to 60 danger zone bacteria will spread and contaminate
75 internal temp of chicken
80 reheating temp
100 boiling point


Friday 8 June 2018

I wonder

the giant earthworm can grow up two three metres long when they hatch from their cocoons they are only twenty centimetres long they take five years two get to full size and make gurgling noises
the biggest ones live in Australia. its full name is the giant gippsland earthworm worm they burrow underground. the only place on earth they are found is gippsland Victoria. the giant earthworm is unusual because it can live in locations where vegetation has been completely destroyed.Colonies are found mainly in two habitats: on the banks and terraces of streams and drainage channels, above the flood-level
Image result for giant earthworm