
Thursday 23 August 2018

maori tools levi

what site did I use to get this info
what did I wright about I writ facts about Maori gardening tools on a document that is at the bottom it has pictures two it just talks about the tools and they are used for.       Maori tools

Ko: the ko was a tool for loosening soil it came in lots of different shapes and sizes and it was made from lots of different woods it is on of the most well known agricultural tools.
Timo: timo where made from a forked brances with a flated blade some where strait and some wernt they where also used for loosning soil but the ko was for harder soils.
Kaheru: kaheru where made in sevral difrent forms they where made of wood and looked like a spade there are trhee tyeps of it they had short blades and long blades Kāheru were used not for heavy work such as breaking up soil or heavy digging but for lighter cultivation work such as loosening soil weeding.

Image result for kaheru toolsImage result for Ko toolImage result for timo tool

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