
Friday 7 December 2018

creative writing

The day the world ended started with an applause

It felt like a normal day everything seems fine but the the ground shake the valves got bigger and headed to land fast and the sky was covered in ash but why well this is why. Well you already know it started of normal but well not later on in the morning I went to rush into the lounge to look at the tv their where know warnings or anything but their was new that a newly discovered volcano was found it was active and could end the world but even though it was active it couldn't go of here's why. At the lab where they were getting ready to send drones into it the said it can't blow up well one of them did no one else believed him when he said it there's a planet with a special forcefull power and the volcano has a chunk of this rock keeping the lava from escaping everyone laugh well he evacuated to try find somewhere to hide he said if the rock glows that means the planet is getting closer so be careful everyone laughed. All the lead scientist and everyone around the world was cheering after this so called meteorite was found me too before I realized it was a piece of planet coming closer apparently the rock could cure any diseases and reform amazing everyone said but no it wasn't very amazing. Now I live near the beach in a tall apartment alone I could see the waves and would know if there was a disaster coming suddenly the tv shut down I didn't think much and just had something to eat suddenly i heard a rumble I got scared thinking the volcano went off but no it was a very huge bulldozer that knocked down the powerline I was relieved but then the strangest thing happened an emergency broadcast came onto the tv and said the was a strange interference near and island near the volcano I got scared and ran out screaming saying it was going to blow no one believes me until the ground starts shaking the waves grew and moved fast to land and a giant cloud of ash approached, now you know what happened but know it got even worse. I got in my car and quickly drove to a hill to stay safe but the earthquake was to big and I couldn't climb and the ash would kill me a went past it to get away quickly but got hit by a giant rock and past out I woke up and the ash was their but nothing else I could hear someone shout out hey it missed us it was the scientist the earth was saved and the volcano wastent enough to end but that's not the end. The planet hit the very edge of the earth and it split they ground started to collapse this is the end I said but the scientist lead me to a bunker to stay safe but the heat sartes to rise and it wa sto hot where getting closer to the sun the scientist said the worlds moving where all dead unless he had an idea everyone on the earth had 48 hours to get to the volcano here's why. We all got gas mask and left to go their we all have to keep the rock safe find the rest of it so it can reform we all went to grab pieces but some so small as it got hotter and hotter some people gave up and passed out it the heat but the rock was complete when the rock was rebuilt the earth reconnected the broken buildings were repaired and earth was saved but it started freezing and things where growing ice crystals all over them we tried to power the rock but nothing worked every one froze and I was the last left shivering I touched the stone and said please save us suddenly a bright light came towards me later on I woke up in my apartment everything was normal was it just a dream no it wasn't to rock disappeared using its energy to help earth so did the planet every one was outside saying heroe heroe I saved to world so did the end start with applies or the end of the end but one things sure never interfere with things from space they could do bad things also I think its weird weird that asked for a rock to help it just makes no sense but at least the world is save

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