
Friday 27 September 2019

Wind racers

What did I do to creat my wind racer, To create my wind racer my group got one of the body's for the car after that we put a cardboard panel on the back of it and put some more cardboard on the sides after that we covered the most of the body in masking tape in a curved way so it goes faster after that the car was ready to race. When I was actually building the car my group and I did small things like cutting out the cardboard and putting small bits of masking tape on it but Robbie did most of it. How successful was my racer, My group's racer was the most successful one not only was it the fastest it also went the furthest as well and was about 3 meters ahead of the other cars overall it was quite good and I think it was interesting seeing the other cars race and building my one.

I did not really research designs for my car and just followed the way my group was going with it.

The car design is made to go through the wind faster it does this because the front of it is a large curved cluster of masking tape it also goes fast because of a large cardboard panel at the back of it.

Building the car was not very hard my group and I had to cut out one large piece of cardboard to smaller strips of cardboard and then after that we covered the car in masking tape and put it on in a curved shape with a flat front.

Testing, My group did not test the car before the race.

Redesign, For the redesign we drew racing strips on it and put some more tape on the back part of the caron the sides and thats all we did to redesign it after that we still didn't test it.

Why did I design my car like this, Because Robbie choose to do this and I couldn't change what we were doing, and all of the ideas where from Robbie because I couldn't put in mine

Thursday 26 September 2019

My gymnastics blog

What sequence or routine was shown in my video, In my video I did all of the things that were on the sheets starting at number 1 to 3 and moved to the different stations.

Why did I choose this sequence, I choose to do this sequence because I wanted to start off at the easier things and then go to the harder things and I rotated to different stations to try out different things.

Do I think I have improved in this sequence, Yes I think I have improved on this sequence because I did a lot better than last year and last time I tried it.

How did I improve, I improved by trying harder and not being afraid like last year because last year I did not get that many things done but this year I have gotten a lot better and tried harder to do it and it has helped.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

social study's expedition

What was the expedition about, The expedition was about Egyptian and roman history we learned about this in class and then we presented in an expedition where the other classes and teachers could see our work.

What was my presentation about, for my presentation me and Tamati made a fish on the wall that was made of shredded paper and was sposed to look like a Roman mosaic and even though it was not as good as I thought it still worked.

here is a video of the expedition,

What classes were involved, the two classes that were involved were 10BU and 10HH

Monday 9 September 2019

Presentations reflection

1. What was my presentation about, My presentation is about Avatar The Last Airbender and in it, I explain the episode the great divide what I actually explain is the problems in the episodes and how you would deal with them I will also just talk about the episode in general.

2. Which part am I most proud of, The part that I am most proud of in my presentation is just the writing and the speech itself and I think I did good doing it.

3. what were the challenges, I think the biggest challenge I had to face was when it was time to present because I don't like presenting that much I kind of freaked out and did not want to do it.

4. What could I do better next time, I think next time I could do better by trying to overcome my fears more and not being afraid when doing my presentation.

Friday 6 September 2019

how hydraulics work

What are hydraulics, hydraulics are a system that uses pressurized liquid to power things such as engines the hydraulics put pressure on a small amount of liquid  to generate lots of power, they where made in late in the1700,s by joseph Bramah he used to work on practical things by following pascals law and eventually after practicing and trying to make hydraulics he succeed.

How do they work, lots of people know where to find hydraulics (eg) cars and trucks but lots of people don't actually know how they work and what they do to power the engines. heres how it works there are four main parts of the machine the first part of it is The Reservoir this is where the liquid is held it also transfers heat to the rest of the machine and helps remove air and moisture made by the liquid.

the second part of the machine is The Pump it moves mechanical energy into the machine it does this by moving the liquid from The Reviser although most of the pumps mainly do the same thing some of them are a different type such as piston pumps and gear pumps.

The third part of the machine is the
valves they start and stop the machine and areas where the liquid moves and thats about all they do.

And the final part of the machine is The Actuators this part of the machine is very interesting it takes the hydraulic energy and transforms it back into mechanical energy for use again there are also different types of actuators that are used for specific things anyways that is how hydraulics work and what they are used for.

Thursday 5 September 2019

marbles science investigation

What happens when we slowly put marbles into the second cup when the first cup had ten in it

well at first it did nothing however when the second cup had seven marbles in it somehow balanced the two cups and then when we did it again both cups where balanced with 4 marbles in each

 I know why the second one worked it worked because there where the same amount of marbles in each so it balanced it out.

however, the first time I do not know how it worked some marbles must of weight more than the others so it was balanced