
Thursday 14 February 2019

yr 10 music

1. what is performing arts. I think it is anything your perform in front of people so it doesn't necessarily have to be dancing sing and acting
1 musical theater
2 dance
3 acting
4 singing
5 magic

what is Mime

                                                                 Music appreciation

1. Name the song and the performer. Artist/Peter Banks. Song/ Despacito Piano version.
2. the instrument he was using was a type of piano but I don't know what that type of piano is called
3. What is interesting about this piece. He was pressing the pedals and pulling the strings and using the hole instrument all at once and changed the way he played every time. Here is the song link.

                                                                            My Piano Playing
here is the video

                                                         Music appreciation
1. Havana Remake, Camilla, Jimmy Fallen, and The roots
2. Xylophone, Kazoo, small drums and some others that I don't know the name of
3. I find it interesting that they used so many different instruments in one song and did it right without jumbling it up and staying on beat also the fact the did them all at once together which would of  made it harder
Part two
1. The song is blocked so I cant get the link but the song called River
2. I like both types of music on this song rap and the ed Sheeran part I like this song mainly because I like both parts merged into one and I also like ed Sheerans songs I like eminem songs 2 so it is perfect that is mixed together like this I found this song because its on the radio and my parents listen to it lots

                                           Key board skills

1. Video. The video is already up there 
2. My grade and did I like it yes or no. My grade was excellence which is really cool so of coarse i'm happy with m grade.
3. what could I do to improve next time. Well I thick to improve next time I could slow down abit because I did it fast during practise to get it done so if I slow down abit I could play it better
4. What have I found enjoying about learning keyboards. Well i've liked keyboards piano's things like that for a long time I like the sound of them and I like learning them because they are very simple to learn and play also I just think they are fun to play.
5. What did I find challenging about keyboard skill's. Well I dont use instruments much so at first I just found the whole thing confusing but after a while it was just a simple right hand melody that was very easy to play but 1 thing that did challenge me even though I have done it know was the left hand part because even though it was easy bye it self with both the right and left hand melodies together it was really confusing because of the timing expecaly when I first started it

Here is a link to some Guitar skills work.

                                                               Focused listening

1 what instrument can I hear: in the background I can hear a piano that sounds different at different parts of the song such as it getting either quieter or louder depending on how the singer is singing. in the remake of the song I can hear bongos and drums and I can also hear keyboard like in the first and I can also hear a Guitar.

2 How would I describe the singers voice: it sounds like the singer is sad at some parts because her voice is quit at times however the singer is load at parts strong and listening to her voice you tell tell she is angry as well. in this version the singing sound's smooth and calm at some parts but at other parts it sound's kind of angry like the first song.

3 What kind of feel does this song have: this song to me has a sad feeling. in the remake of the song it still has the  same words and still kind of has a sad feeling but the remade version definitely sounds happier then the other version.

1. What instruments can I hear?: trumpets, drums, bass, keyboard,  and some more.

2. What instruments have a solo: keyboard.

3. How many people are in the group: it looks like their is about 20 to 30 or 40 people in the group.

4. How does ska sound different to reggae: different instruments are played that are not usually in reggae such as trumpets also reggae has instruments that other things don't usually have also the way the play their instruments sounds different to the way reggae is played.

Do you like this song? Not really

Why 1. I don't like the way some instruments are played
Why 2. I don't like saxophones much and alot of the song is played on one
Why 3. That's all

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